Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Event 2: Making Strange" at the Fowler Museum

This event is by far one of the coolest art exhibits showing I have ever witnessed. On May 27, I was able to go down to the Fowler Museum with two of my friends. I had no idea what this exhibit was going to be about. When we got there, we had to put away our backpacks before we could enter the show room. Since I had never been to an art museum like this before, I was very surprised that we had to check our bags, but it got me extremely excited about the show we were about to see. When we walked inside, we were met with a big room with a lot of really cool art work: Directly in front of us was a big sign that read "Making Strange."

When I entered the room I couldn't believe my eyes because of how many different types of cool art was before me. The work of some great artists who have dedicated their lives to making something they love and sharing to the world was all around me. It was truly a surreal moment for me.

The piece above really inspired me a lot because it is a perfect example of how art can be used to express the artists' feelings and thoughts. It caught my attention initially because of the bright red color of the dress. This piece uses the medium of a mannequin dressed in a really cool garment that appears to use a bunch of bras to create one piece. What I found really interesting about this piece was the pattern of the clothing, which used the same exact measurements throughout the dress, resulting in an extremely intricate design. This shows just how much time was put into this making this great piece of art work perfect.


This is a shield that was made in 2013. It uses a mannequin, fiberglass, organs/anatomy, leather and wood to create a very modern take on a shield. As a shield, it is supposed to look ancient, and it somewhat did, but it was really cool to see this artists' modern influence on an object so old as a shield.

This is my favorite piece. It's a glass coffin with a sculpture of male and female buried in it. I like this piece because it reminded of the topic we learned in this class, of the transition that we can see today where coffins are no longer only made of wood, but are now made from glass as well. Once again, art is used here to express what people think and imagine. I had a great experience at this exhibit and learned so much about different types of art that is being made around the world. This trip to the museum broadened my experiences with art and showed me the many great things that art can offer to its viewers, and how art can influence the world in a very positive way.


"Making Strange: Gagawaka + Postmortem by Vivan Sundaram | Fowler Museum at UCLA."  N.p., n.d. Web. 02 June 2015.


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